Activate the Jewel within You



Spinal Flow, Spinal Energetics, Energy Orgasms
Kundalini Bodywork, Parts Work & Meditations
 Hey there!



I began practicing meditation nearly 20 years ago, but it took time and exploration of various techniques to truly heal emotional trauma. Over time, I was blessed with direct experiences—glimpses of higher states of consciousness—without the need for external substances, relying solely on the body’s innate intelligence and Divine Alchemy. Now, I am passionate about sharing the knowledge and practices that have profoundly transformed my life. I would love to share them with you!

In parallel, I facilitate various energy healing modalities for the public and guide women in manifesting their dream partner. I also cultivate lotus flowers in my garden in Costa Rica, embracing their symbolism of growth and resilience. Beyond that, I am a musician and a mother to a teenage boy.

Curious, passionate, resilient, and daring—I live to explore, evolve, and help others do the same.

Read my story  ➝


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Listen to Purnam on Spotify




Are you struggling with…

Chronic pain?
Depression or Anxiety?
Autoimmune diseases?
Substance addiction?

What if there was another way??...

Mis-alignment and Dis-ease can look different for each person: chronic physical pain, scoliosis, addiction, depression, rage, toxic relationships, cancer... 

Pain, wether emotional or physical, is an invitation to Change and to Evolve. 

In order to bring Alignment and Ease back to our beings, thus ACTIVATING our highest potential, I created Lotus Activation, combining physical modalities such as Spinal Flow, Yoga and Breathwork; mental tools such as Parts Work and  different types of Meditation; all enhanced by the magic power of Spinal Energetics and Kundalini Bodywork.

How does it exactly work? I invite you to read our blog and download the free PDF with the detailed explanation.

Read more➝ 


RahQuel Star. Dancer, Healer - Director of the School of Breath

"I have the blessing of being able to feel my inner Sun fully vibrating whenever I meditate. Having Flora facilitating me a Kundalini Activation online session, increased the potency of the experience. I was able to interact more clearly with the sensitive field and to access important information"

Gaspar Higa (Zion)
Hydromassage Specialist, Father and Speaker
"Flora facilitated me two sessions in person. The Kundalini Activation was an intense healing experience, but I could still feel some chaos in me; and after the  Spinal Flow session, I felt organized and  harmonized"
Domi Martínez
Nurse, Mother and Dancer
Costa Rica